Transformation Coaching

Transformation Coaching

Coaching Sessions and Prices
online or in person 1:1 sessions available
Gift Vouchers available for any amount

  • Single session (60-90mins plus messaging follow up) £60
    Learn how the Subconscious mind works, identify what you would like to change and start it shifting. Incudes learning tools to use daily.
  • Coaching Set 3x sessions (60-90 mins) £180
    Get into the core of the issue currently presenting itself, achieve subconscious change using gentle techniques (Timeline, Hypnosis, NLP, EFT, Body Buttons tm) and have a clear plan to move forwards.
  • Body Button(TM) programming (30-60 mins) £40
    Store a button of calm, confidence or even motivation to help you on those days you need it most.
  • 360º Programme - coming soon
  • VIP Day (8 - 10 hours) Price on application.
    This is a beautiful fully immersive Transformation Breakthrough Day, focused entirely on you.
    We will deep dive into your presenting issues, identify and explore those beliefs which are holding you back from your full potential, create your Values and clear the old beliefs and emotions which are no longer serving you - creating space for your dream goals to grow.

Emotional Coaching


Learn to see how you filter your reality.

Get your subconscious in alignment with what you want to achieve.

Let go of what's holding you back.

Release that emotion that you have been holding onto, so tightly, for so long.

Create space for inspiration and unlock what you’d really like to bring into your reality.

Learn quick and easy tools to use in daily life.

Feeling stuck?
Feeling like you're holding onto something, but don't even know what that is?!
Ever feel like you want to achieve something but you're either not sure how to go about it or things just seem to get in the way?

We need to get subconscious...

Our conscious mind is only 4% of our thinking, our subconscious makes up the other 96% and it rules the show! There are many good reasons for this, without it we would need to focus on too many things to even function.
But… its first job is ‘to keep us safe’, avoiding anything new, which usually means resisting any change.

If you find it hard to stick to New Years Resolutions, keeping to healthy eating or an exercise programme, you have been trying to achieve the change through your conscious mind (will power), but the subconscious can be sabotaging all your efforts.

Not only does our subconscious strive to keep us safe (avoiding change) but it also seeks out more of the same, so old programming (behaviours and beliefs) will just be repeated until upgraded, keeping you in the same old loops again and again.

Does that sound familiar... stuck in a loop?
Experiencing continual doubt, anxiety or just not seeing a way out of your current situation?

We often hold thoughts or beliefs such as “that couldn’t happen for me” or “it just doesn’t work that way”, these thoughts already limit what we believe can happen, restricting our achievements before we have even started.

What if it was achievable?
Imagine for a moment what a difference that could make to your life...

Using tools from – Neuro Linguistic Programming, Foundational Hypnotherapy, Future Casting ® and Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) – Learn a set of tools to use as you transform your life.

The Shift Method® Coaching shows you how to notice & release what’s holding you back and move forward to be the best version of yourself that you want to be.

Member of The Shift Method® system since May 2020.
The Shift Method® Graduate May 2021


I had a really lovely session with Helen, where we talked about my plans and what my goals would look like. I really liked her calm and grounded energy and the way she asked me to go deeper in how it all would look like, so the conversation felt very natural to me and I felt safe and seen by her with my feelings and doubts.


…Hi Helen, I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to message, if I'm honest I was waiting for myself to go back to experiencing the feelings I was feeling before, but it just hasn't happened!
It has changed my life, that is not an exaggeration! My Husband wants you on speed dial for me! Thankyou x


…thank you Helen for our wonderful zoom call and facilitating my shift of changing my limiting self belief. It felt magical, this is a gift! I got such a warm feeling of utter trust


…and just like that you put it into words that I can understand, that inspire and reassure me that I can make this work”


Helen has beautiful way of putting you at ease, during my coaching session we looked at time techniques where I let go of anger and sadness. This session was not only beneficial in realising both of these emotions from previous experiences it has helped me understand that I can heal from them. Since the session I have felt a great sense of clam and peace and a more stable mood which is an absolute blessing.
Thank you Helen the session was really helpful.


I came to Helen with a belief around never feeling like i have enough time and wanted some help to ‘shift’ it to something more supportive. Helen has a beautiful way to create a safe space for her clients to open up the conversation, use the subconscious reprogramming tools and challenge in a way that feels supportive and expansive. After this shift, I immediately felt ‘lighter’ and after a couple of weeks. my relationship and perception of time has dramatically changed for the better. Thankyou!


Just WOW! Helen has the magic touch! Not really knowing what to expect Helen put me at ease straight away with her calm friendly presence. She talked to me about what I wanted to tackle and was really understanding. I felt really relaxed in her clinic and it was comfortable to close my eyes and let her lead me through the session. But the magic happened when I tested it out afterwards. My first session was turning a dislike into a like and I was skeptical! Convincing myself that I’d like to eat oily fish was a BIG ask! But I followed her tips and approached my Mackerel with “what if it does taste good?” and it was! I was blown away initially that the aroma didn’t smell offensive to me as it usually would, and when i tasted it I couldn’t believe that it was good!! I cleared my plate!! since then I’ve found myself craving it and spontaneously buying more. I’m just amazed and grateful I can improve my diet with this healthy, delicious fish…
